A lot to update


Has it really been 2 months since my last update? I really didn’t think I had that much to contribute but as I think back, a lot has happened in these past 2 months. Steve Seaton Joins Us!!! We are thrilled that Steve Seaton has joined us to continue the design phases for our current models as well as future …

Announcing…..Northwest 49


We have begun our 4th boat, a 50 foot (49′ 10″)version of the Northwest series. There will be 2 new interior layouts available. Hull #1 has chosen a single stateroom with a large king sized bed. A large master head with a smaller day head make up the forward lower level. The saloon, galley and pilothouse all remain the same …


We didn’t have a lot of time, but we were able to get the two boats out for a photo shoot. This is the only picture that I have so far. It was interesting. Paolo drove the #2 boat and I drove Nor’wester. We found that at top speed, the #2 boat is about a knot faster due to not …

And Then There Were Two


A lot has happened since my last update. We launched hull 2 in late February with quite a bit of interior finish work to be completed. The owner and owner’s representative came out to visit and were thrilled with what they found.That’s the owner on the left with Robert Noyce, our Annapolis representative. The owner, we’ll call him “T” has …

Hull 2 Progress


We are getting ready to deliver hull 2, a beautiful pale yellow color. This boat is headed for Annapolis, MD next month on Yacht Path. They will deliver it in Port Everglades, FL and Robert Noyce, our Mid-Atlantic representative will ferry it up the coast.The radar arch is being installed prior to sea trial launch.With the travel lift in place, …

Catching Up………..


I am sorry that I am so tardy in posting an update. Since we returned with the boat from Nanaimo, we have been busy getting ready for the Seattle Boats Afloat Show on Lake Union and working hard to finish hull 2. Jan and I took Nor’wester down to Seattle a couple of weeks ago in preparation for the show. …

Northwest 45


We are getting ready to announce a designation change for the NW42 Less than three years ago we kicked off the design program for the Northwest Trawler line. Throughout the process, we conducted ongoing discussions with our customers and continued to explore the latest innovations with our design and manufacturing team. During this time the boat we have always referred …

Home Again


Happy New Year !! Saturday Steve drove Jan and me to the Tsawwassen Ferry to cross over to Nanaimo and offload Nor’wester. The Tsawwassen Ferry is just over the border in BC and we thought that traffic would be light and getting to the ferry would not be an issue……WRONG… As we approached the border crossing we were greeted with …

Our Ship Has Come In


Jan asked me this morning if I thought the ship would be on time or late. I said, “probably on time, why?” She then said, “oh shoot, I was hoping it might be 6 months late.”I turned on the Nobeltec and lo and behold, the AIS showed that Super Servant 3 was in port.I jumped in the rental jeep and …