Tanks A Lot


Meanwhile, back at the ranch…..er other building where the 42 is being built….things are progressing. Below is the black water/gray water tankage being fitted. This is one continuous poly tank with a separator inside. The black water tank capacity is 125 gallons while the gray water is 30 gallons. The large tankage is to allow extended stays in no discharge …

Getting Ready for #2


Paolo, Stuart (standing), and Don are inspecting the bow thruster tube installation.(Left to Right) Jamie, Phil, and Dave are discussing the plumbing runs that will be under the forward cabin sole. These are all pre assembled out of the boat to make the installation process more efficient. After this discussion, it was decided to change to a better plumbing material. …


The new building that we moved the hull to is only going to be used for hull #1. It has been difficult playing “musical buildings” for the last several months but space large enough and tall enough to build yachts is a bit scarce these days. With 12 (plus or minus) boat builders in Skagit county, a lot of the …

Popping the Mold


Today was another banner day. I have been busy all week and unable to get down and take pictures of the bulkheads installed but I guess they are in there as today we split the mold. Here is a picture of the mold before splitting. They have installed the tracks on either side so that once the mold is split, …

Ready for Bulkheads and Floor


The crew was mostly off to lunch so I had a chance to get some good shots of the inside of the hull. As you will notice, the stringers are molded in making the hull and stringers one piece. The areas where the port lights and hawes holes go are of solid (not cored) fiberglass. In the left picture you …

The Laying of the Keel


Today is a big day, one that we have been anticipating since the beginning of our project. It is the first day in building the boat. If it were in olden times, it would be considered the “laying of the keel”. Today we infused the hull. In previous postings you have seen the mold with the dry stack of materials …

NW 42: Progress Report


Hull in process of having inner layers of mat installed. Note stringers to be infused integrally to the hull. Stern sections showing stringers and aft bilge area of the wide keel. Another look at the stringers; one has been covered with mat, the other will soon be covered. The hull is nearly ready to have the resin infused into the …

NW 42: Progress Report


The gelcoat has been applied in the mold, the first layers of glass are in place and the Kevlar (dark yellow color) is visible in the forward section. Workers are placing Corecell coring material into the mold prior to the infusion process. Corecell is placed over the Kevlar. Kevlar is on the outside to protect the hull in case of …