It’s a bit past 4AM on Saturday morning. I am alone in the pilothouse, vigilantly on watch as I write this. I am totally typing by feel and will go back and spell check later before I post.
The soft lights of the instruments glow just bright enough to be seen but not so bright as to destroy the night vision.
We left
Shortly after we rounded Cabo Punta Banda, just south of
We each took turns on watch throughout the day and Bruce and I are sharing the nighttime watches. About 8 last night we started to hear a loud grinding noise coming from the lower passageway. Upon investigation, we discovered that we had picked up something on the starboard stabilizer and it was making an awful sound every time the stabilizer turned outward. I cycled the stabilizers and even turned the starboard side off for awhile, but the noise persisted. Finally, after about an hour or so, whatever it was that was snagged either dropped off or was cut by the stainless knife blade that is just in front of the stabilizer fin. Whew!!
Looking around, I can see the running lights of 16 boats and the radar shows 7 boats within 3 miles of us. Sans Souci, a Nordhavn 60 something has sort of taken over as the mother hen and we all seem to be flocking behind her. We have an AIS receiver aboard that allows us to see the names of other boats (and ships) that are transmitting their information. We also see their course, speed, destination, length, beam, type of craft, closest point of approach and a bunch of other useful information.
Jan is up and the dawn is beginning to break so I am going to stop writing for a bit……
We saw a lot of whales today but as luck would have it, this was the only picture I was able to get. There was a baby and a mother together.Here is Sans Souci, a Nordhavn that is part of our fleet, as we pass Cedros Island. This picture was taken just after we came out from under the clouds that have persisted since we arrived in San Diego.