Why Northwest?

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The question is always asked.  With so many new and used trawlers and motor yachts out there, why should I choose Northwest Yachts?  Perhaps the following will help you decide:

Northwest Yachts – Safe, Comfortable and Stylish by Design

You aren’t purchasing a cruising vessel to sit at the dock.  Northwest trawlers and expedition yachts are built to go places, in safety, comfort and style.  Every effort is made in concept, design and construction to deliver the safest possible boat.  High bulwarks, beefy railings, dock level (or near dock level) main decks make for safety at sea as well as at the dock.  Handholds are very carefully placed so you can always “have one hand for you and one hand for the boat”.

We believe your yacht is your home underway.  You should be as comfortable aboard your Northwest as you would be at home.  Design elements include wider passageways, less steep stairs, room to move about, ergonomically comfortable settees, and easy access and plentiful storage.

And as someone once said, “life is too short to cruise an ugly boat”.  Naval designer Steven R. Seaton and Peter Whiting have worked together to meld style and function together in all the Northwest designs.

Purpose Specific Designs

Northwest believes there is no one hull design, one configuration or one construction material that is the right “fit” for all types of cruising.  If your cruising plans are coastal, near coastal or protected waters, then semi-displacement hulled vessels built in FRP (fiberglass) or aluminum are your best choices.  If you plan long range (ocean crossing) voyages to remote areas, then Northwest would suggest a full displacement hulled boat built with a steel hull and FRP superstructure.  In today’s debris littered offshore waters, peace of mind can only be achieved by voyaging in steel.

A Northwest Yacht Tailored Just for You

Some people like vanilla ice cream, others prefer chocolate.  That’s why Northwest will tailor your new cruising vessel to be just as you would like.  There are some limitations of course, but Northwest believes if your idea is safe and practical, we will accommodate your wishes.

Only the Best of the Best

Northwest doesn’t cut corners or compromise quality.  All components and materials used are carefully selected to be the very best available.  Design oversight is by Stephen R. Seaton, arguably the best trawler and expedition yacht designer of the past 40 years.  Construction and quality control is under the supervision of Vic Duppenthaler and Dennis Mok, both with decades of experience in building and delivering award winning boats.

Attention to Detail

There is an old saying, “the devil is in the details”.  At Northwest, extreme care is taken to insure that the smallest design, construction, or delivery detail is not overlooked.

Delivering More Than Just a Boat

Having a new boat built is a big decision.  There are many questions that must be answered.  One of the most important questions is how will you get comfortable with handling the boat.  As part of every delivery, Northwest provides skipper and mate training.  This is to teach operation and maneuvering skills to both the skipper and his or her mate. We want you to be comfortable and confident in your abilities to cruise your new Northwest in safety.

Proven Record of Delivering ‘As Promised’

Northwest owners all agree buying a new Northwest met or exceeded their expectations in every way.  Under promise and over deliver is one of our basic tenants of business.  We know how we like to be treated when we make a major purchase and it’s reflected in how we treat our customers.

