Weather Is Fine…..Wish You Were Here


Trawler Fest Anacortes kicked off yesterday with sopping wet conditions in the morning. But by early afternoon, the sun was shining and out came the trawler enthusiasts. This is the largest Trawler Fest yet, surpassing Solomons Maryland in registered attendees as well as exhibitors. There are over 80 shoreside exhibitors and more boats in the water exhibits than I can …

The Testing Continues


For the past several weeks, we have been conducting sea trials on the new NW 50, hull #1. There are many systems to not only test to make sure they work, but we are doing continuing testing to insure that there is minimal chance of infant mortality.The electronics package is pretty much all integrated. With this level of complexity and …


First, I want to thank you for your continued interest in Northwest Trawlers. Today, I am writing to share some recent news with you: Over this past weekend, we updated our website to include more information on the NW 50 and NW 55. In addition, the “Welcome Page” now offers an opportunity for you to view our company video. Some …

Another Sneak Peek


Its been a busy week but I headed over to NW 5001 yesterday to see, first hand, the progress being made. I am always amazed at what the guys have accomplished. The boat is even more impressive in person than in pictures but I couldn’t resist taking some more shots and posting them. Please bear in mind that the boat …

Seattle Boats Afloat Show Report and The Launch of the 50


The Show… We arrived back in Anacortes this afternoon aboard Nor’wester. The trip back was uneventful (the best kind) with smooth seas and favorable currents. I love it when you see 13 knots over the ground for extended periods. We even went through the Ballard locks without any delay. This never happens after a boat show. Usually it takes a …

Seattle Boats Afloat Show


This is just a quick update to tell you that we are displaying Nor’wester (our prototype/demo boat) at the Seattle Boats Afloat Show on Lake Union. The show dates are January 23rd through February 1st. (not that anyone will come on Superbowl Sunday) Nor’wester is now seriously for sale. A new build boat with the equipment that is on Nor’wester …

December Update


We at Northwest Trawlers would like to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!!!! I haven’t written much in the past few months as I haven’t felt I had anything noteworthy to talk about. The boating industry, as you might imagine, is in a slump. It seems that the recreational boating industry …

"The Path" is the Platform


“The Path”, which is Northwest 45, hull #2, served as camera boat for the T2PTV ( production of the Governor’s Cup Regatta, a 70 mile overnight race from Annapolis to the St. Marys River in Maryland. There were over 150 sailboats entered in the 35th annual running of this event. An interesting shot of Robert Noyce at the helm with …

Announcing…..Northwest 55


We are excited to announce the addition of the Northwest 55 to our lineup. We asked Steve Seaton to take a look at the existing design look of the Northwest 45 and 50 to see if he could keep the look and come up with a larger boat. Thus the 55 was born. Above is a very initial drawing of …