There seem to be a lot of details that are getting attended to. The plumbing under the forward lower deck is complete so now Dave and Phil can position the deck so that Greg can bond it in place.
The Lifeline batteries are in their position in the Lazarette. There are 4 for the house bank, 2 for the inverter bank and the 2 (4D) batteries are the main engine start. There will be another group 31 battery for the generator start. This boat is being equipped with hydraulic bow thruster and windlass; otherwise there would be 2 more 8D batteries forward to power the electric windlass and bow thruster. The Lifeline batteries are AGM (Absorption Glass Mat) type. From Lifeline’s website:
sealed construction
install in any position if properly supported.
submersible without damage
While Lifeline AGM batteries are significantly more expensive than standard deep cycle, we feel that the benefits far exceed the cost. When you are on the hook in remote anchorages it is reassuring knowing you have a robust, trouble-free, battery bank. There will be a cover over the batteries that will double as a storage shelf for the odds and ends that get tossed into the lazarette.The guest head enclosure is being bonded into place. The area behind will give good access to storage.
Here you can see the port side auxiliary tank. Since we will be transiting south and through the Panama Canal on the first voyage, we want to be sure that we have sufficient fuel supplies so that we can limit our stops. We hope to go from La Paz to Panama City with only one fuel stop.
I am running out of time today but I will try and get some more pictures posted tomorrow.