The articulating rudder is now installed and the upper support bracket can be seen at the right above. This is one very robust stainless steel structure. When they get it assembled with the tiller arm and hydraulics I will point out why our steering system is superior to most installations.
Almost everything used in the boat is oversized or larger than necessary. This is the domestic water pump. Made by Headhunter, it is a 10gpm at 60 pound rated. On boats this size it is usually a 3.3 or 4 gpm pump that is selected. With this kind of capacity, showers in both heads simultaneously as well as filling the washer should present no loss of pressure or volume. I judge a hotel by the quality of the shower and a boat should be no different. 🙂
Another neat thing being done is using 2 hot water heaters instead of one larger. These are 11 gallon heaters giving a total of 22 gallons. Having 2 heaters will mean quicker recovery as well as having redundancy in case one of the heating elements should fail.
These images are of the TRAC stabilizers. We chose TRAC (by American Bow Thruster) as their system is the most robust and support is outstanding. The hydraulics are very professionally engineered and oversized.Pardon the dust…..these are the valves (left) that control the thruster and windlass. The thruster motor can be seen to the right. Again, superior engineering.
The bulkheads for the forward staterooms and heads are being installed this coming week. I will get some good photos and post them. If you have any comments or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to post them or send me a private email. (