Nimbus a “hit” at Yachts Miami Beach Show
Jan and I just returned from Miami where we participated, along with Nimbus USA, in the Yachts Miami Beach Boat Show. While attendance may have been down from the expected, Nimbus had a great show. Both boats on display, Nimbus 305 and 365 were sold and there were many more visitors that expressed strong interest. We even had some attendees from the Pacific Northwest come by and one in particular is very interested in the Nimbus 365.
Nimbus Notes #1
This is the first of many Nimbus Notes that I will be posting to show some of the unique features of Nimbus Boats. Today’s note is on the engine compartment.

The engine on the Nimbus 365 is enclosed in a sound box. This, along with it being aft, under the cockpit, makes the boat very quiet. Removing the sound box creates a very roomy work area when servicing the engine.